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2 Results

  • Board Game Bonanza (Targeted Services)

    This class will involve learning about and playing a variety of board games. Students will learn how to accurately read and follow game directions, do several writing activities related to games, and learn playing strategies. Most importantly, we will focus on positive social skills when playing (speaking kindly, taking turns, and being a good sport). If time permits, we might also design and create our own board games. This is a reading-focused Targeted Services class.
  • Board Game Bonanza (Targeted Services)

    This class will involve learning about and playing a variety of board games. Students will learn how to accurately read and follow game directions, do several writing activities related to games, and learn playing strategies. Most importantly, we will focus on positive social skills when playing (speaking kindly, taking turns, and being a good sport). If time permits, we might also design and create our own board games. This is a reading-focused Targeted Services class.