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5 Results

  • Class 1: History of the Camera and Photography

    This course explores a series of events and people’s experiences leading to the creation of the camera and the science and art of photography, from being an optical phenomenon, used for artistic practices and experimentation, to early photography. We will then view work showing the photographic progression from being a curiosity, to artistic expression, then scientific research, to a tool for communication and more, while viewing Master and lesser-known photographers from the late 1800’s to the 21st century. Then delving into new technology, trends, and new directions in photography. Introduction to the Camera and Photography How the camera came to be, when photography was born, how photography was first used and who were the early so called “photographers” that influenced society up to the 20th century. Master Photographers: 20th– 21st Century From Alfred Stieglitz in the 1900’s, to Ansel Adams in the 40’s, to Annie Leibovitz today, we will look at their work and discuss their influences. Then we will introduce where new technology and digital creators are changing and guiding the art form. Disclaimer: There will be the occasional exposure to partial nudity or challenging journalism images from historical events. *This class can be taken by itself, but it is a part of a 4-part series.
  • Class 2: The Photographic Eye

    This course explains how eyesight and the brain work, how the language of visual art teaches us principles and rules that give us a dialect to bridge what we see and what it means. Why are we interested in one image and not another, why are we moved to emotion by lights and shadows, or why can an image speak to the masses, where words might fail to do so. If one understands eyesight, how we translate that information and understand the language, we can begin to understand the art and science of photography. Then we subsequently understand the difference between a casual snapshot and a good photograph. How We See, Compose, and Use the Elements of Art We will explore human vision and the interconnection of the brain, learning essentially why we see what we see. Then using the Elements of Art, we will study the language to discuss the basis of good composition, framing, and the point of interest. From here we begin to explore the recipes for creating a good photographic image using the Principles of Design Photography – Setting the Tone This session completes the concept of using the Principles of Design and introduces lighting and exposure to accentuate and create Visual Interest, Mood, and Expression. Understanding light and exposure, focus and clarity, depth of field, emphasis, perspective, and scale, not only allows one to see the image better, but also to create a better image. *This class can be taken by itself, but it is a part of a 4-part series.
  • Class 3: Managing Your Camera

    This course explores how to use and control your camera or smartphone to be able to improve the likelihood of taking a good photograph. A good photo comes from being in the right place, at the right time, with the right eye to see it, and then knowing your technology will make capturing it even more possible. Students are encouraged to bring their cameras, etc. should they need to learn where and how to use their device features and basics. We will explore your camera basics (ISO, Aperture, Shutter and Exposure Value); how these pertain to your individual equipment; where they are located (physically and menu wise) and how to control them; as well as where to find additional information and online resources. We will dig deeper into Focus, Dept of Field, and Program Modes. Depending on the technology used in the class, we may also explore phone applications. Should time permit, we will look at lighting styles and how to involve them in your images. Course Materials: Preferred: Everyone has a digital camera (10 plus Megapixels minimum). That said, I am used to accommodating a wide range of cameras from simple point-and-shoot, DSLR’s, and how to simulate basic camera operations using smartphone cameras. If possible, bring your specific model device instruction manual or find an online pdf version, as many of the manufacturer’s menus are different. *This class can be taken by itself, but it is a part of a 4-part series.
  • Class 4: Improving Your Photography and How To Critique It

    *This class can be taken by itself, but it is a part of a 4-part series. Class 4 has two sessions 5/8/25: Assignments to Improve Your Photography 5/22/25: Critiquing Your Work 5/8/25-Session 1: These assignments aim to refine your photographic eye by exploring compositional rules and guidelines, the elements of art, principles of design, and an understanding of lighting. Additionally, you will experiment with different photographic genres and styles. The goal is to help you see, comprehend, and create purposeful, intentional, and personal images. Lessons are organized by simple basic themes based on areas of discussion, starting with elements of art and principles of design which both influence and create good composition. Then moving on, lessons include the exploration of lighting, exposure, and motion, all of which exist due to the basic camera functions of Aperture and Shutter. Next mood and visual interest are introduced, and the lessons go from photographing things to places, then people, then ending on intent, message, voice and communication. 5/22/25-Session 2: The Critique. After completing Part 1 assignments, we will either digitally collect or share student images to perform a casual critique of the work. The assignments have been designed to refine your photographic eye by exploring compositional rules and guidelines, the elements of art, principles of design, and an understanding of lighting. Additionally, you will experiment with different photographic genres and styles. The goal is to help you see, comprehend, and create purposeful intentional, and personal images Assignments will be critiqued in class using a rubric scale of identifiable criteria and subjective based dialogue. Each individual critique has the goal of opening our eyes, our minds, and learning to make our image even better. Course Materials: Preferred: Everyone has a digital camera (10 plus Megapixels minimum). That said, I am used to accommodating a wide range of cameras from simple point-and-shoot, DSLR’s, and how to simulate basic camera operations using smartphone cameras. Prerequisites: Though not necessary, enrolling in or understanding the content of The Photographic Eye (Class II), is suggested. Having that knowledge is the easiest way to take better photographs. *Course Images were taken by the instructor Brad Perrin-Smith.
  • Understanding Cinema

    This course is for cinema-fanatics, film-buffs, and movie-lovers. It will introduce you to the birth of cinema and a journey through a variety of genres and styles important to the progression of cinema; be it western, suspense, sports, sci-fi, action, or musical. We will explore historical references, basic plot structure, Mise en Scene, and other contributing factors. While learning the language of film, you will gain the knowledge of effectively discussing and critiquing movies. We will screen various films, in clips or in their entirety, while exploring certain genres and sub-genres of cinema; traditional vs. non-traditional plot structures; and character development and variations. Welcome to the movies, sit back and enjoy the show! *This class has two sessions, 5/29/25 & 6/5/25. * The rating of films or clips seen in class will range between PG and R (usually PG-13). Discover more about movie ratings here .