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3 Results

  • Health Care Directive & Power of Attorney (POA)

    Procrastinate no more! No matter what your age, give your family an important gift by creating two legal documents - a Health Care Directive and a Power of Attorney. These documents are vitally important in the event you become incapacitated and cannot make decisions for yourself. In this class, you will prepare both of these documents so you won't end up without these important legal plans in place. Leave class with two notarized documents and give yourself and your loved ones peace of mind. Couples should register individually.
  • Andrew Brody (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Prepare Your Own Will

    Who would inherit your possessions, raise your children, or be your personal representative if you die? Without a will, the laws in Minnesota and a judge make all of the decisions. Leave this 2-hour class with a simple, prepared will and have new peace of mind. Instruction and all the necessary forms, witnesses and notaries are provided. Instructor Adam Altman is an attorney experienced in drafting wills. Each individual, regardless of marital status, needs his/her own will. Couples should register both individuals. *The content of this class would be more helpful to those with U.S. citizenship.
  • airpix (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Savvy Social Security Planning and Medicare Basics for Couples

    To better understand the Social Security system, this class will cover: 5 factors to consider when deciding when to apply for benefits When it makes sense to delay benefits -- and when it does not Why you should always check your earnings record for accuracy How to estimate your benefits How to coordinate benefits with your spouse How to minimize taxes on Social Security benefits How to coordinate Social Security with your other sources of retirement income How Social Security is affected for individuals who receive a pension from a non-covered job. The decisions you make now can have a tremendous impact on the total amount of benefits you stand to receive over your lifetime!