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2 Results

  • Donate to the Community Ed Scholarships & Fee Assistance Fund

    Looking to share the gift of lifelong learning with others? Donate to our Scholarships and Fee Assistance Program! This fund is used to provide fee assistance (discounts) or scholarships to those who otherwise would not be able to participate in Community Education programs. Simply select a dollar amount below you would like to donate or call our office at 952-975-6940 if you wish to make a donation in a dollar amount not listed. Please select the name of the donor when asked who is attending during the check out process. You will receive an automated email receipt, but if this does not meet your needs and you would like record of your donation, please email or call 952-975-6940. Thank you for your support! Whether you are an individual donating $5 or a corporation donating $5000, your gift makes a difference in creating access and opportunities for someone in need!
  • Gift Card

    Looking to share the gift of lifelong learning with others? Have someone who is hard to shop for or looking for an "experience" gift? We can apply your gift card purchase to the enrollment of a family member or friend! Recipients can use gift cards on all of Community Education's programs. You can purchase with the intent of gifting a specific class or program, or you can simply select a dollar amount and allow your loved one to pick out their own experience. Call our office at 952-975-6940 if you wish to purchase a gift card for a dollar amount not listed. Because we offer a wide range of fun programming for people of all ages (babies, youth, and adults), this is the perfect gift for anyone! IMPORTANT: When asked to select the attendee, select yourself. You will indicate who the gift recipient is during checkout. This gift card does not expire, but classes fill up quickly. Spaces in our programs are not saved until the recipient calls to redeem and confirm his or her enrollment. Recipients will receive details and class logistics after calling to redeem this gift card and successfully enrolling in one of our programs.